This week I have just been in awe of the love of Christ. I can't even fathom its depth. I can't grasp its height. I can't always see the length to which it reaches, but I can feel its strength. Every morning I wake up with such joy. That is a word that people have used to describe me over and over again. I can't explain it any other way than Christ's love in me. Yet at the same time, I oftentimes forget the reality of it all. I lose sight of who he is and what he has done in the busyness of life. Isn't that so amazing? How can one forget his love when it's something I read about everyday and experience every minute of every day?
I wish I could express on this single page how real and awesome the love of the Father is. It truly strikes such a
Something I was thinking about a lot this week is just how God allows us to experience him. He's not just an idea or a distant source. He is personal. His love is personal and he wants all of us to experience it. My prayer for you is that God will reve
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