Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This week I have just been in awe of the love of Christ. I can't even fathom its depth. I can't grasp its height. I can't always see the length to which it reaches, but I can feel its strength. Every morning I wake up with such joy. That is a word that people have used to describe me over and over again. I can't explain it any other way than Christ's love in me. Yet at the same time, I oftentimes forget the reality of it all. I lose sight of who he is and what he has done in the busyness of life. Isn't that so amazing? How can one forget his love when it's something I read about everyday and experience every minute of every day?
I wish I could express on this single page how real and awesome the love of the Father is. It truly strikes such a chord in my spirit that leaves me in awe. We do nothing to deserve it, I do nothing to deserve. Yet it's mine for the taking - it's yours to take. I don't know if we'll ever be able to explain why it's ours, but that doesn't matter. It's one of those things in life that just simply IS. God is so great; his love is as great as he is because that is exactly WHAT and WHO he is! God is love and I am so blessed to have the privilege and honor of experiencing it.
Something I was thinking about a lot this week is just how God allows us to experience him. He's not just an idea or a distant source. He is personal. His love is personal and he wants all of us to experience it. My prayer for you is that God will reveal himself to you; that he will reveal his love to you. I can't say that I really know who "you" are, but God does. If you keep up with my blogging or if you're just passing through and stumbled upon this, know that it is not by accident. God just wanted to remind you of his love for you today. I pray that you experience it today in the things you see, hear, smell, taste and touch.

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